Have you ever heard of the abbreviation KO??
For those who loves full-contact combat sports, such as boxing, karate, mixed martial arts, and other sports involving striking, I bet you cannot wait to fill me in.
Well, in my field, KO = gene knockout!!
It is a genetic technique we employ in the lab in which an organism is engineered to carry genes that have been made inoperative. The purpose of KO is to learn about a gene that has been sequenced, but which has an unknown or incompletely known function.
In our days, from time to time, we will feel like we have been -KO-. Sometimes by people around us, at times by obstacles lying ahead of us, but most of the times by our own selves. Eventually we will lose our faith in people, exhaust our courage and confidence at the feet of difficulties, last but not least we lose our smiles and strength to go on with our lives.
We tend to immerse ourselves in sorrow and frustration and allow them to blind our eyes and our precious hearts, behave exactly like our genes are being KO and that's nothing else we can do about it. However, we always overlook the main purpose behind the fact we are KO.. It is meant to test the unknown function of ourselves, which in other words to polish and refine ourselves by stretching our ability and capacity in all areas all directions beyond the old selves we once thought we were.
I am not smart. I do not know why me, why the hard way. But I do know something. That I must learn to walk if I lost my wings and could not fly anymore, I must still love and give even though all my loved ones are not around, and most importanly I must keep smiling knowing that no one will ever make me smile again.
And most most importantly, I shall have peace knowing that I have Him, I can trust Him, and that I wanna do all I can to love Him and glorify Him in my every undertakings, for He is my light, my righteousness, and my source of strength. "I wanna thank you Jesus, I wanna thank you Jesus, my Lord, my Lord, my saviour..."