Part 1
Now the time is 1.27 a.m. I reached home about half an hour ago. Overwhelmed by joy and excitement, I just wanna say " Hi everyone!! Welcome back!! Pleased to see you guys!! ".
I am never a good friend, especially to my hometown friends ( Though none of them ever realize that ). It could be said that we were in the same kindergarten, going to the same primary school, and studying in the same secondary school for the past 13 years ( For your information, there were only one kindergarten, one primary school, and one secondary school in my hometown ). However, I rarely barely hardly spent time with them.
I was having short talks with almost everyone ( Those short talks took me about three hours to come to an end, give or take a few minutes ), what would I say is that " Hey guys!! We all are getting older and older.. " Haha. Just kidding. I repeat. " We all are becoming more mature from time to time.. " Agree??
I know I will have a sweet dream tonight. I just know it ^_^

Part 2
Now the time is 1.47 a.m. I reached home about half an hour ago. Again. Overwhelmed by down-heartedness and low-spiritedness, I just wanna say " Hey all!! Wish you a safe journey!! Bye bye and take care!! ".
Though I am still not a good friend, though I only joined you guys twice, the wonderful memories that you all gave me tonight and the other night will remain forever in my mind, and my heart.
Before we all leave Kerayong tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I would like to wish you guys on three things..
1) All the best in your studies!!
2) All the best in your careers!!
3) Last but not least.. All the best in your relationships!! ^_^
I know I will not sleep well tonight. I just know it =(
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