Thursday, December 21, 2006

Touched by the warmth..

Early in the morning, it was raining non-stop out there.

Inside my room, lying on my bed, with my whole body covered with blanket, I had no intention of getting up, at all.

Suddenly, "Minyu minyu!! Wake up!! Hurry up!! Look at this!!"

Relunctantly, I forced myself to open my eyes. Came into my sight was a lovely silver present box!!

With thousands of question marks popping out in my mind, I took it over and opened it.

"Eh?! Nothing what.." I saw nothing but a small square yellowish sponge.

"Take out the sponge and see?! Hehe.." Such a cunning old fox.

"Wow wow wow!!" Guess what?? There was a gorgeous silver bracelet under the sponge!!

"Nice ler.. Enough.. Now give me back.." Not yet recovered from shock, the box was taken away from me.

WHY?! What happen?! No need to ask I already knew that it was not for me. My dearest brother where got so kind one. He just wanted to have a rehearsal before the box was passed to its real master. Oops should be mistress. Sigh. =(

Anyway, I was happy. At least I had my day started off extraordinary. =p

It is still raining out there. It has been raining days and nights. It is bloody cold outside. But deep inside my heart, I am touched by warmth.

So nice to be at home..

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