Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
The Smile. That Smile.
Monday, December 25, 2006
You are loved !!

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Touched by the warmth..
Inside my room, lying on my bed, with my whole body covered with blanket, I had no intention of getting up, at all.
Suddenly, "Minyu minyu!! Wake up!! Hurry up!! Look at this!!"
Relunctantly, I forced myself to open my eyes. Came into my sight was a lovely silver present box!!
With thousands of question marks popping out in my mind, I took it over and opened it.
"Eh?! Nothing what.." I saw nothing but a small square yellowish sponge.
"Take out the sponge and see?! Hehe.." Such a cunning old fox.
"Wow wow wow!!" Guess what?? There was a gorgeous silver bracelet under the sponge!!
"Nice ler.. Enough.. Now give me back.." Not yet recovered from shock, the box was taken away from me.
WHY?! What happen?! No need to ask I already knew that it was not for me. My dearest brother where got so kind one. He just wanted to have a rehearsal before the box was passed to its real master. Oops should be mistress. Sigh. =(
Anyway, I was happy. At least I had my day started off extraordinary. =p
It is still raining out there. It has been raining days and nights. It is bloody cold outside. But deep inside my heart, I am touched by warmth.
So nice to be at home..
Thursday, December 07, 2006
When tomorrows come..
I let myself going through the Tunnel of Past..
I see myself from innocent to mature..
I see myself with laughters and tears..
I see myself experiencing gain and loss..
I find myself in a whirl..
I am lost..
I become panicked..
Therefore I try to struggle
Thinking that it might help me out of the mist..
Then I try not to
Realizing that it is a waste of time and effort..
I start pondering..

Suddenly I realize!!
My fear of parting with those I love and I care
has eaten me up bit by bit..
My fear of walking the journey fulled of uncertainty
has consumed my courage bit by bit..
Because of fear I try to grab everything in my hand
To assure and secure myself..
"As long as u be brave, and be tough,
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Reunion?? Farewell??
Now the time is 1.27 a.m. I reached home about half an hour ago. Overwhelmed by joy and excitement, I just wanna say " Hi everyone!! Welcome back!! Pleased to see you guys!! ".
I am never a good friend, especially to my hometown friends ( Though none of them ever realize that ). It could be said that we were in the same kindergarten, going to the same primary school, and studying in the same secondary school for the past 13 years ( For your information, there were only one kindergarten, one primary school, and one secondary school in my hometown ). However, I rarely barely hardly spent time with them.
I was having short talks with almost everyone ( Those short talks took me about three hours to come to an end, give or take a few minutes ), what would I say is that " Hey guys!! We all are getting older and older.. " Haha. Just kidding. I repeat. " We all are becoming more mature from time to time.. " Agree??
I know I will have a sweet dream tonight. I just know it ^_^

Part 2
Before we all leave Kerayong tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I would like to wish you guys on three things..
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Wanna know a story about Little Devil ??
In minyu's childhood memories, she strongly believed that she used to be a devil, a Little Devil!! Why?? Oh please do not ask me why. As the story teller, I myself also never knew WHY. For minyu, it was just a kind of feeling, that she herself was a Little Devil. Or you would prefer to think in this way, " Girls memang like that one "?? Haha. Thank you. Therefore let us just forget about WHY, WHAT, and HOW so that we could continue with the story. Kk?? Thanks again.
We all learn Science. And no one will deny that the most important element in Science is called evidence. Agree?? But this statement will definitely contradicts my story because there is no evidence to support the statement saying that minyu was a Little Devil. Why?? Again?? It is because everyone tends to give her comments such as " You are a good girl ", " You are so guai ", " You are so obedient ", " You are so smart " and so on. ( I do have more and more comments. If you are interested, welcome to reach me personally and I would like to share with you. K. ^_^ )
While you are reading this part, I am 100% sure that the symptons like headache, nausea, as well as speechless, feel like slapping someone up and down have already applied to you. Other than that, I am 100% confident that you are giving comments, oh no, should be criticisms like " What kind of blog is this?! ", " Why do I want to waste my time reading it?! ", or something like " What kind of friend do I make?! ", " Do not let me meet her again or else.. ". Am I right?? Huh?? Haha.
No matter what, you still have to approve that I am a GREAT story teller. Why?? Again?? U sure?? Because I am not telling you story purely by words, instead I let you experience the evil and wickedness of Little Devil. Haha. What?! You are having fever now?! Very high ka?! Pity you la.
So.. I suppose this is the end of my story about the Little Devil, minyu. Hopefully you already learn a lesson from this story. If you learn nothing, never mind, let me do you a favour.
minyu was not only a Little Devil in the past
she is actually still a devil now
and most probably she will be a devil in the future
I bet you already have a look on my first post. The bicycle one? Two-tyred? Remember? What I am gonna say is if you are SMART and CLEVER enough, you will never believe that it is my masterpiece, because I am not that ben dan to publish a post like that. I keep it mainly as an acknowledgement to my sifu. I am a good girl. Haha.