Dear Rodrigo,
Hello. Or should I say Oi instead =) I've seen your message/comment in my post entitled "The Man with A Plan". Obrigado, aprecie, contente de ouvir-se de você!!
Well, I am always proud to be able to speak or at least understand many languages, but definitely not this time. My friends and I, in addition we know more than ten languages in total, however none of us understand Portuguese. Haha.
Luckily we managed to find out that your message was written in Portuguese, an achievement I reckon, for us =P So I thank you for your words, and if I am not mistaken, you were asking me to go see your blog which was about personalized T-shirt, do I get you right??
Até mais. ^_^
Feel in mood for some stories?? Huh?? Don't care coz I'll still carry on lol
Three years back, when I was still in Form Five, I was emceeing a singing competition. Still remember vividly how lack of confidence I was, not because of my ability & capability of emceeing such a big event, I'd done that many times, but purely because of my appearance and my look.
I found myself ugly in my dress, with my glasses on, and etc, not as shiny as other fellows. Felt like holding back and not willing to stand under the stage lights. No one noticed my fear but my dad & mum, they caught me, and the only thing that they told me was :
"Gal, let your face shines with radiant for your talent and your performance, not your look, ok.."
So I took a deep breath, tried my very best not to bother myself with how did I look, and I went up to stage, and I talked as I was supposed to, and that evening turned out to be a great success. Teachers were impressed, parents were proud, and I realized one thing :
"Beauty = confidence = talent = smile = humble =)"
Since that day, I learn to be humble myself in every of my undertakings, and God blesses me with a lot more, more than words can tell.
Nearly two years back, I was a lucky girl who got the sponsorship and the opportunity to study in college. My simple small world had suddenly become a massive complicated world. That's what people say :
"With every blessing there comes trials."
Still remember my friend and I were walking along the highway near IKANO, by all chance we missed all buses, so we ended up talking. She was low at that time, so I kept on talking and talking, tried to cheer her up. Finally she opened her mouth :
"Min Yu, do u know that ur smile is shiny, it warms people's heart."
I stunned for seconds, and I couldn't remember what happened next, or I don't wanna remember lol Now whenever I recall it, I'll not just smile, laugh non-stop instead. Haha.
After some time, it was V's Days, my friends and I gathered for a dinner, where all the guys brought their own girls, and me and my friend shared one guy. Hohoho. Dinner was nice I reckoned, but that's not the main point, the highlight of the day was after the dinner, when my friend and I bid bye bye to the rest and went for a walk.
Now use your imagination please. Two girls, one taller (me), one apparently shorter (my friend). I'd got roses in my hand, and she'd got her handbag. Not sure whether we were holding hands or not, couldn't really remember, but one thing for sure was that we were close. Hmm.. Get it so far?
One reminder, it was V's Day, in other words, everything came into your sight was in pairs. Well, we were in pair too, but of the same sex, that's the problem. When we enjoyed ourselves taking photos, people were staring at us with some kinda look, one band the guitarist even came near us and played to us =P
We din't really care about those people, just found it funny, who would want to spoil such a romantic atmosphere lol Finally we got into a cab, the driver was a chinese uncle, I think. So I was talking and talking, happily and excited, till I felt that my friend was staring at me :
"Min Yu, you looked so different so beautiful today la, wearing contact lense, and your smile."
Hmm.. I don't think I'll need to explain what went on next. Haha.
So.... Why would I suddenly be so in mood to share about all these?! Hmm.... It is because all those things have been taking place here in Wellington. The more often it happens, the more I think back the past, the more I link everything together, the more I can't help laughing.
Hahaha. Actually I seldom wear my contact lense for two reasons, firstly, I am not supposed to wear it in the lab, and I am a science student; secondly, I just don't feel like wearing it, coz I am far too lazy. Being the real me, being the comfortable me, that's my priority.
"Min Yu ar, you are big girl lo, why don't you just take off your glasses?? Do you know that how lucky you are for having naturally curled eyelashes? Wei ar, listen to me la.."
"Ohh.. I know I know.. I see how la.."
"Min Yu ar, how come you only dress up for this and that, u ar........... aiyo.......... ahh........... ok I give up.."
"Ohh.. What do you expect me to wear for lab then.. See how la.."
Hey girl, it's not that I don't wanna do, it's just I don't do it for the sake of doing. All girls like to dress up, like you, so do I, but don't ever forget the purpose behind =)
Sorry to say that I don't have a happy ending for my "stories".
That girl, she brings me happiness, and lots of sufferings, she makes me see her bright future, and how dark it turns out to be.
Now, she's gone, and I miss her very very much, she'll never know.
Hey you, he said that I was angel, I tell you what, I don't wanna be anyone's angel. But I thank you, for causing me to appreciate my smile.
Let the darkness be taken over, let His light shine upon the earth;
There comes hope; there comes love;
Keep smiling. Smile at trials. Smiles at problems. Never cease.
In Jesus Christ name. Amen.