... wearing the fragnance of eternity, for man and woman, demands change - it does not sit easily alongside the shabby clothes of our old nature. Living for eternity brings new ambitions and a new way of life.
Soon, I'll be heading up north to a place called Waikanae for TSCF National Student Conference which lasts for six days, yup.
Why would I, at the very first place, made up my mind of going for it??
Well, all and all is because I felt a strong calling deep inside my heart, by any means pushing me to sign up for it, yup.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Lord, I thank you
for You search me, when I was lost;
for You know my name, before even I was borned;
for You have made me my way, a great plan towards a new born me;
Lord, I need you
to heal my vulnerableness,
to break my heart for what breaks Yours,
to be able to love and to be loved..
Lord, I love you
help me to stand firm at Your feet;
help me to shine for being a child of Yours;
help me to see things unseen, hear things unheard;
Lord Jesus, I bow down, and I surrender, so take it, take over the control of my life,
then lead me, guide me, use me, redeem me, if this is the way You want me to live my life,
I tell You, I will just live it =)

The next day right after coming back from the conference, I'll be heading down south to Christchurch and Dunedin, what a busy girl I'll be.
Friend told me that it's been snowing in Dunedin for days. So I'm kinda looking forward to seeing and touching the real white snow. But I hope myself won't get frozen over there haha.
Okies is time to stop now. Gotta prepare myself for the trips. New places new people for two whole weeks. Gonna be great and awesome I suppose. See you guys back then.
So looooong!! ^_^
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