" just to say hello to u. i've read ur 'voice from the bottom of my heart', how sweet u are, a really wonderful girl. that's why i like u so much until i can't spell it. but do u know me? "
So.... I got this message in my inbox. What do you reckon?? Huh?? To be honest, the first thing that came across my mind was that "I've got secret admirer!!" lol Ok.... I bet you think the same as me, too.
I got terrified, and then I found out this :
" i'm a counselor frm SMK Triang. God bless u, bye. take care! " Hahaha. I laughed non-stop seeing this message. What a cute and funny teacher am I having?! Hahaha. Thanks God for it was my teacher's masterpiece =P
Well, I'd got my first trimester coming to its end, and all my examinations done, a few weeks/days ago. Hurrayyyy!!
Still remember that after my last lecture, everyone was on their feet giving the thunderous applause to the lecturer. And I, as sentimental as usual, felt so touched and thankful in my heart.
Time flies, without my realize. But on the other hand, knowledge gained, wisdom harvested. One ending signifies the beginning of a whole new page. Ok, is sentimental-ing enough.
My textbook - had them fed into my little brain in just one trimester lol
My "blood & sweat" - see those piles of papers in the fails, they're excluding my lecture notes, all are my handwork lol
My last paper was Chemistry, the easiest for most of the students, yet the most insecure one for myself. Anyway, it's all over now, yoooo!!
Once I stepped into my room, with my body tired, and my mind exhausted, I'd got this weird feeling that IT IS HERE!! Nah. I told myself that my sixth sense wouldn't be that accurate, so I just din't bother myself with the feeling that IT IS HERE.
Suddenly a text came in, I looked at its content, and yes, I was terrified again!! " Hey min yu, IT IS HERE, enjoy treasuring it ya =) ". Without any hesitation, I ran out of my room for it. Guess what?! IT IS THERE!!
There it is. Har?! U thought what =P
Ginseng hair shampoo. Milk body shampoo. Baby oils. Lip moisturizers. Clothes. What not =P
To please me up the most - my old-torn out Chinese dictionary, my best friend since primary school.
Thank you dad and mum!! Thank you bros for the CD!!
Thank you Lord =)
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