So.... This is the man - My papa!!
Was supposed to make this post during Father's Day. Was gonna blog a long one since I'd got a lot to say. But as time goes by, things change, people change, so does my little mind.
So.... Here is everything and the only thing that Im gonna tell - to make the long short!!
Thank you for "protecting" me. Thank you for "controlling" me. Thank you for "advising" me. Thank you for "warning" me. If there wasn't because of you, I'll definitely be ruined.
Life isn't just black and white, and Im standing right in the grey region. In this grey area, no one can tell what's right and what's wrong. Or maybe there's truth, it's just people don't get things right.
I see through my eyes young people having their days spent in night clubs. Drinking, dancing, getting high, going wild, what not. I see how girls not appreciating themselves and taking the wrong steps.
Most of the time Im thinking, I could be one of them, desperately looking for love, yet through the wrong way the wrong person, or I could be worse, if you weren't there for me, and mum, and bros.
Do not worry about me. Your daughter is grown up. She starts seeing the world in her own way. She starts playing her role with the wisdom gifted to her. She's blessed by her heavenly father. One day one man will take over your "burden" and walk the journey with her. So do not worry about her =)
Happy belated Father's Day. To my papa and everyone's dad!!
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