Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Dinner In Dining Room
Don't know.. I just can't take it when I have to eat dinner alone, without family and friends around. But I realize since early that thing may change when I come to New Zealand, as I will have to eat my meal alone, so Im kinda well-prepared.
However, u can never tell how things are gonna turn out the next minutes. A few times I thought that I would have to eat my meal alone, and I always choosed to sit apart from the crowd, as I felt more secure doing that, staying in my comfort zone.
Guess what?! So far the scene of me eating alone never occured at all. Instead of that, I got to make a lot of friends, which was totally beyond my expectation. Friendship is a funny thing, it exists and grows healthily when u are least aware of it. U can never be able to explain it with any formula or calculation. Agree??
I just finished my dinner in Weir's dining room, with a Thai, a Korean, an Indonesian, and a Chinese. Haha. It was like an international family reunion dinner. Though this is not our first time eating together, I thank God for having them with me, as it was a getaway from assignments and school works.
* Today is my third day of classes. I had lectures and tutorial and got another assignment. My timetable will soon be packed once laboratories get started. Very busy but Im having great time. Oh ya, I din't "mengantuk" during lectures at all, though I was lack of sleep, haha =P
* One more thing, I din't make it for the second hand book sale because it crashed with my class. However, my friend did get me one though, hehe =) The queue was amazingly long but everyone was patient and everything was going smooth. No squeezing and no "cut queue" at all.
Kla, I gotta stop now, at long as I got post something today, HAHAHA ^_^
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
What are u going to do later at 3 a.m. ??
Btw, there will be a Second Hand Book Sale held in my campus tomorrow, at 9.30 a.m. According to reliable information, those second hand books will be sold half price or less than that. According to another reliable party, last year there were students waking up at 3 o'clock in the morning just to make sure they themselves were the first one ahead of the long long queue. According to another party "lagi", this year some of the students plan to bring along sweaters and blankets and sleep over in front of the venue later. ( Oh ya, for ur information, now the time is 11.10 p.m. in New Zealand )
I can see ur facial expressions now. Shocked? Impressed? Haha. I can guess what pops up in ur mind now. Wondering what will I do? Will I show my "Malaysia Boleh" spirit and join them? Haha. I will definitely give u the answer. No problem at all as Im a good girl. So.. I think I will just tell u in ur dreams tonight la. Is that ok? =P
Monday, February 26, 2007
Paper Planes
Hey little Daniel, thank you for ur paper planes, they are my best gift ever!!
( Don't forget how to spell ur name again ya, and I like ur temporary signature =P )
Most of the time, we, human beings, are keen and desperate, chasing after things like fame, power, glory, victory, wealth, and many more.. Eventually, as time goes by, when we finally grab everything in our hands, then only we will realize that we reach our destination without enjoying the scenery along the journey.. Do u know for what and whom u wanna live for?? I find my answer in the little paper planes. Hope u get to find urs too ^_^
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Soul Set Free
Stepping into university life.. Excited?? Nervous??
The above are the photos of my KDU friends, one was taken during our graduation ceremony, and another one during our graduation dinner.
Everyone looked so shiny with broad smiles on their faces, which I would never ever forget. My life was rocked by this group of crazy people throughout the one and a half year =P
Late night movie, pool, mamak, chit-chatting.. were our culture. I eventually developed the skills such as sleeping in bus ( sometimes in class.. ), last minute works.. mingling with them.
Sekelip mata we are now all in New Zealand ( Auckland, Wellington, Palmerston North as well as Dunedin ), pursuing our dreams and visions in this brand new fresh country.
26th February 2007 will be a significant day for all of us!! Our campus life will get kicked off!! Though some of us are still in holiday mode and others are still trying to adapt to their environment.
Hey guys,
have a great beginning of ur day!!
Let us these crazy people rock New Zealand
Saturday, February 24, 2007
MY = Min Yu's
Walk A Brand New Journey
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Those whom I am gonna miss the most!!
Thank God for keeping those who are important in my life
Monday, February 05, 2007
Last Mamak Yum Cha
Hey guys
Thanks for accompanying me for the last mamak
I always thought that u all wouldn't be able to bid me farewell
Yet I still wouldn't believe that u all came back purposely because of me