Sunday, February 25, 2007

Soul Set Free

Ever feel that u are having hard time in life and u just can't find ur way out?
Ever feel that u are burdened but u just can't run away from it?
Ever feel that u are empty though u have everything?


Have u ever thought of why difficulties and obstacles are put in ur path?
Why do u struggle so much to reach worldly standards, instead of Godly standards?
Why peace never rest in ur heart even though u think u have the whole universe with u?


When u feel having hard time in life,
it's because God wants u to grow!!
( U do grow more when life is difficult for u, don't u? )
Do remember one thing,
God is in control of the universe,
and he asks u to have control of urself according to His will!!
( Not to control the world, not to control other people, but u urself )
That's why God gives u PEACE instead of the WORLD,
we are not designed to control the world,
as we end up creating riots inside ourselves!!
( Why do u wanna have control over something which is definitely beyond ur control? )


I surrender myself to the all Mighty God,
and let Him takes control over me..
I pray for the power of obedience and power of principles,
obey Him and he will take care of my life..
I walk the path God wants me to,
and I do not worry about life,
as Jesus says, " I will take care of all that. "


Soul set free by God's amazing grace

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