Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dinner In Dining Room

Well.. If u know me well enough, u must know that one thing, which is I can do everything on my own, except eating alone, especially when it comes to dinner.

Don't know.. I just can't take it when I have to eat dinner alone, without family and friends around. But I realize since early that thing may change when I come to New Zealand, as I will have to eat my meal alone, so Im kinda well-prepared.

However, u can never tell how things are gonna turn out the next minutes. A few times I thought that I would have to eat my meal alone, and I always choosed to sit apart from the crowd, as I felt more secure doing that, staying in my comfort zone.

Guess what?! So far the scene of me eating alone never occured at all. Instead of that, I got to make a lot of friends, which was totally beyond my expectation. Friendship is a funny thing, it exists and grows healthily when u are least aware of it. U can never be able to explain it with any formula or calculation. Agree??

I just finished my dinner in Weir's dining room, with a Thai, a Korean, an Indonesian, and a Chinese. Haha. It was like an international family reunion dinner. Though this is not our first time eating together, I thank God for having them with me, as it was a getaway from assignments and school works.

* Today is my third day of classes. I had lectures and tutorial and got another assignment. My timetable will soon be packed once laboratories get started. Very busy but Im having great time. Oh ya, I din't "mengantuk" during lectures at all, though I was lack of sleep, haha =P

* One more thing, I din't make it for the second hand book sale because it crashed with my class. However, my friend did get me one though, hehe =) The queue was amazingly long but everyone was patient and everything was going smooth. No squeezing and no "cut queue" at all.

Kla, I gotta stop now, at long as I got post something today, HAHAHA ^_^

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