After going thru rainy + windy + cold days and nights, the lovely sun finally shows its lovely face, what a beautiful day, and it is a Sunday ^_^
Walking along the Oriental Bay after church, enjoying the chocolate flavoured New Zealand ice-cream, chit-chatting with friends.. What else could I ask for more?!
A few days before, I didn't step out of my room except for lunch and dinner. Yup.. I could imagine my dad staring at me and pleading me to go out if I was back at home. Pity my dad lol
Then u must be wondering what on earth was I doing in my room for those few days. Sorry to tell that I have no idea at all. Well, only God knows =P
Staying in ur own comfort zone is never ever a good thing for ur growth. I know that, and God knows better than I do. That's why I was out of my room for these three days, and nights.
" Hey minyu!! Wanna go out and have a look at the night view of Welly?? Come on!! "
" Hey gal!! We are having a gathering for DVDs and snacks tonight.. So just join us?? "
" Yo!! Gal!! Wanna join us for girls' night?? Do come la.. "
And.. what not..
The moment all these texts bombarded my cell phone, I had bitter smile on my face. I just knew it.. This is not the first time tho..
Im far too passive to step out and at the same time God just can't tahan to see me rotting anymore, so he arranges me a lot of plans, all I need to do is just to follow his will. Hohoho.
I shall post those photos of me at the bay and on top of Mount Vic and in front of the Parliament in the midst of windy and freezing cold night. But later maybe =P
Even though I thought myself was being too teruk in living my life, people's comments give a totally opposite view on me, without my realize.. Hmm..
" Hey minyu, u are so innocent, so guai, so good girl la.. "
Hmm.. Normally I won't care what people think about me, but when it comes to the extent that everyone's telling the same thing, and even a 17-year-old girl, I start pondering..
" Hey gal ar, please do me a favour and look after XXX so that she will grow in christ k.."
Hmm.. To my surprise, no one treats me as a new Christian at all, instead they all trust something or someone into my hand, and that boosts my growth =)
" Eh one day u will be so thankful of having minyu around u.. She has put in a lot of hard work and effort in u.. So that u don't go wrong tapping between the fine line of rights and wrongs.. "
Hmm.. I was overwhelmed by shock when I heard this conversation, such thing had never come across my mind before, I was just doing what I thought I should do, according to His will..
" Nope.. I already feel so thankful to have minyu with me.. If not.. I don't know what's gonna happen to me.. "
Hmm.. I almost cried when I heard it, I never expected this at all, this is not what I ask for, it's not about me, it's all about Him..
This is a real story told by my friend just now when he sent me and my friend back to Weir.
According to him, he was brought to Christ by a friend who used to be a drug addict. Out of curiosity, the friend had a try on party pill and he got addicted to it since after his very first try. He was so painful and suffered but he couldn't help to go and have more of it. Life was like hell and he just couldn't take it anymore. Finally he turned to God for rescue, he gave his life to God and asked God to save him from the indescribable suffer. At last, he was saved, by God's grace.
" He was saved. And then he saved my life. " That's what my friend said.
This is another testimonial from another friend of mine.
Hers is far too complicated and it's an ongoing story. In short, her family was saved by God's unlimitted power. Though life can't be smooth and happy every moment, but at least it's turning to be a better one.
" If I never get to know God, I think I already die at the moment. " That's how she ended her sharing.
How about me?? Myself??
Well, I would say that if I didn't accept Christ into my life, I could still live a good life as how I grew up. Going to university, having a career, meet someone and get married, having a family with kids, and what not. Yup, I see u nodding now =)
However, I can tell for sure that, " I will have died, not physically, but spiritually and souly, if I don't get to know God in my life. " Now I see u puzzled already =P
If I never get the opportunity to draw myself nearer to God..
If my friend and u all gave me up the moment I had given myself up..
If I never sense God's presense and taste His goodness..
If love and forgiveness and grace and mercy never fall upon me..
If I never find out the purpose of my life on earth..
If faith and God's conscious mean nothing to me..
If.. and only if.. what my life would be then.. I could never be able to tell..
Today, Im walking towards a better life, with His favour upon me.
And I know that He is using me to carry out His purpose and His plan for me.
Everytime when I look at the city Im in at night, Im impressed by His work, He definitely knows what's the best for me.
Everytime when I find that life is difficult as I alone have to face all the challenges, Im amazed by His grace that overcomes all alse.
Therefore, if u ask me how's my life after accepting Christ into my life, below is my answer..
I am standing at the feet of the miracle maker
I am staring in the face of the miracle maker
I am walking in the shoes of my miracle maker
I am standing with the faith of a miracle maker

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