Nope.. Of course it's not a plate =P
How about this one ?? Huh ??
Again.. The quality of photo is not good.. Well.. U know me..
So why don't u just see the one below ??
Got it ?!
Yay.. It's a theatre !!!!!!!
What was I doing in a theatre ??
Good question ^_^
It's because.......
My church was having Sunday service here
Note : I was "April Fooled" by my friend. Nearly screamed out when pastor was preaching. Thought that there was some kinda of animal under my seat. Phew. Thanks God!! Otherwise I would steal all the limelight..
My bro must be thinking, " How would that ever cross ur mind.. An animal in a theatre.. "
Hahaha ^_^
Tho it's a bit late
Note : The above are my last smiles of the day..
Got homesick coz meeting Pastor Matt Fielder again.. But not in Malaysia..
The message was still awesome.. But people around were not the same..
Think about it properly.. Find the hidden meaning behind.. Nite.. Sweet dream..
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