Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Think that I must at least post something.. like what I have promised.. but what should I tell.. no idea at all..
Maybe just share a bit on what do I find out recently.. la..
1) I have weekly assignments and project assignment and essay.. and I have three tests before Easter.. and more tests coming after..
To my surprise, I manage to survive tho, hopefully =P
Wonder what's the secret behind?? Huh??
It's because I was kinda well-trained during my foundation year in KDU.. last minute work la, burning midnight oil la, play hard la, study smart la ( of course!! ), and what not =P
2) Im very good in typing, than texting and.. ya talking..
I have such a strong bond with my pure pearl-coloured lap top, than with living organisms.. like human..
Wait wait!! Dun get me wrong please.. I still have my social groups, and I have lots of lovely friends.. Just sometimes Im too lazy to open my mouth and exercise it.. It's kinda energy-consuming I reckon =P
3) I always get myself confused with simple questions such as "What day is today?", "Am I in New Zealand, or Malaysia?! "..
Living pace here is far too slower than in Malaysia.. and Im getting slower and slower too I think.. That's why it takes me so long to figure out what should I post.. must be because of the living style here.. and also the weather.. Hmm.. it makes more sense now =P
Apart from that, I never felt that Im living in a country called New Zealand, with Kiwis as its main population.. Well, I would say that.. it's just too many Malaysians here ok.. u can see plenty of them anytime anywhere every moment!!
I wonder how come.. Hmm.. ^_^
Saturday, March 17, 2007
I will.. Won't I..
As usual, I choose not to join the crowd, instead of that, blogging and keeping u all updated are definitely more important for me. Touched?? Don't cry, please =P
I will always have this smile on my face, won't I??
I will always "infect" people around me with my "smiley virus", won't I??
^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^
One thing that I am happy with is that I am gonna gain one extra hour of sleep as the whole country will have to adjust the clock one hour backward for Daylight Saving stuff. Haha.
Wish me a sweet dream then.. I don't know what to tell anymore.. Bye..
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
What do you think about the picture ??
What do you think about it??
Are these that playing in ur mind??
Yo!! Autumn is in town!!
Wow.. So breathtaking la the view!!
Guess what?!
Hmm.. U are totally WRONG!!
This week is the "so-called" first week of autumn, but I feel like it's already winter, here in the Windy Wet Welly..
It has been raining since yesterday morning, the rain is kinda comes and goes, and it lasts for whole two days..
It's freezing cold all the time, so ur own warm bed and wool blanket are ur best friends ever, u just won't leave them..
It's getting windier and windier as well, do consider to come visit me in Welly if u wanna gain some "flying experience"..
Truly sorry for destroying ur beautiful? romantic? dream of the fall.. I really don't mean it =P
Oh ya.. One more piece of advice from me.. Attention please.. Hmm..
For those who used to comment about girls being emotional and stuff like that,
my advice is to just endure it,
as it's much more easier to handle "emotional girls" than "emotional Welly",
hehe ^_^
Saturday, March 10, 2007
What do THEY do??
I was supposed to wake up late this morning, as I had spent my whole yesterday for several awesome outings ( Shopping in town in the afternoon, attending ICF meeting in the evening, as well as going for supper at night ). However, I ended up getting out of my bed pretty early, with fully alert mind, haha =P
Well, yesterday the ICF gathering was fantastic, yup I would say that. There was a bunch of approximately forty young people, whereby each of them had originally came from different countries, backgrounds, cultures and what not joining it. It was started with some funny yet not-demanding IQ ice breaker activities and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves a lot, hehe =)
The part which stole the show was when we were asked to demonstrate the "culture shock" that we faced mingling with the kiwis, as everybody was really acting like professional comedy actors. I just couldn't help laughing non-stop at their looks and actions, to the extend that I nearly strained my neck as a result of laughing too much =P
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Passion for Sports
While all the girls around me were going through romance novels, I was reading sports magazines and newspapers =P
While they were talking about their Prince Charmings, I was discussing the latest most updated news on sports with the guys =P
When they were crying in front of television touched by Winter Sonata, I was cheering and shouting out for the victory of my favourite team =P
Oh ya.. One more.. When most of the mums were complaining their daughters had been wasting too much money on make up and stuff like that, my mum was mumbling about me spending money on sports magazines.. "U read so many magazines for what?? U never played sports what.. Sigh!!" =P
Hmm.. Well.. It's fact that I din't, I don't, I won't get myself involved in sports. Haha. Instead of that, I will just have all the strategies and skills running in my mind professionally most of the time. Hehe. Feel so tempting to test me huh?? U better don't..
As I grow older, I am definitely not saying that I am old, my passion for sports is not as strong and agressive as I used to. Don't know.. Yet, I still catch up and keep myself updated with the ongoing as well as upcoming sports events, it has sort of become part of my life.
Recently, out of no reason, those historical moments that I had ever witnessed kept popping into my memory. Hardship and sweat throughout the matches and competitions, broad smiles and loud shout over the glory and victory, tears and heartbrokenness over the failure and shame, and many many more.
On top of all these, what impressed me the most were the miracles after miracles unbelievably achieved in minutes, or even seconds, to turn failure into victory!! Have no idea of what am I talking about?? Never mind..
Below are some of those who ever created "miracles" because of their strong will and never-give-up spirit. Most importantly, they are about, or already stepping into another phase of their lives, walking their journeys confidently and happily. I am truly happy, for these people, for they are those who occupied most of my teenage life, and for the inspiration brought to me by them.
This guy.. Hmm.. I witnessed him turning into a great coach from a world champion. From him, I learned how to share my talent and knowledge generously with people.
These two young people has taught me what does it mean by "Find a person who make u wanna be a better person.."
And this one.. Hmm.. He made me realized the importance of standing firmly on and holding tightly to what I believe in.. My God, my culture, my upbringing, and what not =)
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Arise. Shine.

Btw, HAPPY CHAP GOH MEI people ^_^
Fantastic Getaway
We are the champion.. We are the champion..
It's time to party!!
Last Saturday was a big day, as Cuba Carnival which was held once two years was in town. Everyone was joining the party the whole day, but I choosed not to follow the majority and went to the rose garden.
The pictures shown here should have higher quality, however due to some reason, which was me, as blur as usual, brought a camera without its memory card, I ended up taking photos with my mobile.
Roses roses.. I love u
Girl in pink with pink rose ^_^
Saturday, March 03, 2007
I went for ICF ( International Christian Fellowship ) 's very first official meeting yesterday evening and it turned out to be AWESOME ( Kiwi Slang no. 2 ) They called it as KIWI 101, and there was a whole bunch of us international students gathering together and learned about New Zealand experiences and Kiwi cultures. A hakka was performed, national anthem was taught, a quiz was held and my team won ^_^, an activity of tasting the Kiwi food was run and I got very nice food, which was called Pineapple Plumps ^_^ and so on. Oh ya, this song was pretty funny AYE ( Kiwi slang no. 3 ), why don't u just give it a try and go through the lyrics once?? Come on??
Me with all the greens
Guess what?! Deer were the first animals that I approached in NZ. So far I only got the opportunity to see cows and horses and sheep from distance.