Life is good I reckon. Not to say that I have two tests coming in the following week. Not to mention that my final examination is just round at the corner. Yup what do u think? =P
Can't wait for winter break to come. I will be joining TSCF National Student Conference which lasts for seven days. After that I most likely will go to Christchurch to spend the rest of my holidays lol
* Hardly barely smiling *
Sometimes, or most of the time, I compare life to a roller coaster ride, and also to the bull and bear stock market. On one hand, life is full with challenges, uncertainties, obstacles, problems, etc, and all these lead to frustration, disappointment, down-spiritedness, and what not. On the other hand, life seems to be lovely, wonderful, awesome, fantastic,etc, the moment you go through all those I've mentioned above.
Hard to understand what life is all about aye. Even harder to explain in words what life is for you aye. I don't have an ultimate answer myself, or do I want to? Heard from somewhere that " Life is too amazing to be a meaningless and random consequence of the Universe. There has to be a God, something out there - you just have to feel it ". My brain, this little human mind could never ever understand what is God the Almighty playing in His, the superb incredible mind.
So I decide not to trouble myself by putting massive effort to figure that out, no way. He is the creator of the universe, and He is in charge of everything. Then look at me, I don't even know how to take care of myself. All I am able to do is just to become a girl in His light, be obedient to His words, do accordingly to His will. Let my "such-a-mess" life be taken over, because He will turn it into a fruitful and purposeful life.
Come on!! Just imagine that how great your life will be if you've got Superman + Doraemon + Phd. + Financial Expert + Social Adviser + ... to give you a hand in coping with your life, studies, financial problem, social life and stuff?? And what I am telling now is far more greater than that!! Haha.
Even though I surrender my life to Jesus, the best person that I've ever known, what do I need to do is just to "listen" and "act", I am still not living a perfect life. I am just not perfect, but He loves me =) I seriously can't think of what my life would be if I was the one who in charge of my life. Disaster huh?! ^_^
* Smiling Broadly Shinny *
Hmm.. hmm.. to be honest, I was supposed to post a pretty sad article one, at least that was my motive to blog at the very first place, to release electrons, sort of.
But I end up posting such a positive article, at least it has a happy ending. See Jesus can even play a role as an entertainer, to cheer His girl up ^_^ Appreciate my blog too, it serves as the best place for me to "talk".
To give my post its best ending, here is the bonus, a picture I love, and to my surprise, many of you like ( inc those who ask it from me or those who compliment me for it ), with whatsoever reasons =) But then bear in your mind, I possess the absolute right to love this picture ya, you people can only admire it, hohoho!!

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