Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I pour out love and passion whole-heartedly. Only to the right one right thing right moment.
You guys tend to claim me being cold-blooded.
You witness my pain and struggles. And how I take action logically rationally immediately emotionlessly.
I learn from pain. I stand up from failure. And now..
I have got hopes in my hands. Luckily I have you my angel my family my friends =)
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
MY day
I walked along there, the places I like the most;
I breathed in cold air, it smelled freedom but responsibility;
One day I might be back standing at the brick I used to stand,
I hope there would be bright sun ray shining at two long dark shadows,
And we shall put on smile on our faces, because of You.
Friday, May 02, 2008
如果我不小心长大了,我要当爸妈哪样辛苦的大人,让每个小孩,快乐得不想长大 ^_^
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I feel it when I am with dad.
Because he tells me that he cares about me.
I feel it when I am with mum.
Because she shows her concerns to me.
I feel it when I am with Xian.
Because he is always there whenever I need help.
I feel it when I am with Jie.
Because he does things for me without letting me know.
It can only be felt when one choose to speak it out, loud and act it out, clear.
Security is its name.
Today, in the afternoon, I was questioned what do girls want actually.
Same day, in the evening, I realize the answer after talking to family and friends.
Out of complexity and complicatedness the answer is just simple.
Feeling secure emotionally is the key.
The wind is attacking the city out there. I am listening to gospel songs and appreciating God's presence in my room. Can't wait for church tomorrow indeed.
Can't wait to be in the house where the ultimate security origins from, Amen.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thank God
Eyes were blinded by scorching white light.
Became deaf as all sounds faded away.
Not even have chance to open my mouth.
My body was thrown forwards by the momentum.
Next thing I knew I was held back by the seat belt back to seat.
At the 0.0001 second I thought that I was gonna..
Then pain felt at the chest and back and legs.
"Are you ok?!"
I was frightened.
Breathe stopped till I realized I was short of air.
Chest was hurting.
Those few minutes felt like ages.
"It is alright."
At last brain started working again.
There was a car crash involving three cars.
Cars got quite badly but no one got injured.
Tears began to form in my eyes.
"Thank you Lord.."
I thank you that everyone reached home safe and sound.
Thank you for the rains that filled the Marae water tanks.
Heavenly Father, I am tired..
I need a shoulder to cry on..
I need arms to rest in..
I need a good sleep..
And I thank you.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Miss Minyu ??
Olympic torch relay officially kicked off..
Battle between Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton on fire..
Here I am, in the wet windy Welly, setting eyes upon the world ^_^
How many times could one get injuries in a period of time??
If there is a quota for that, I AM SURE that I had used up all my quota of the year!!
Cuts on forehead and fingers are healed. Bruises on knees are getting better. Blisters on feet are dried up. Panda eyes are yet to get rid of lol
See the picture above?? One side glass door in my campus was shattered into pieces by strong wind the other day. Guess what?? It happened right after I passed it by and stepped into the corridor. Hmmmm.. Now you know how windy Welly is.. And how accurate is my 'quota theory' =P
Look!! How majestic was the bench!! And how terrified was I..
I AM BRAVE. I touched snake, tiger, scorpion, cockroach and all those insects that make girls scream hysterically. Oh I rode elephant too.
I AM GUTLESS. I dare not approach dogs, cats, chicken, birds, fish, rabbits and basically all those animals that other girls hug and sayang.
Look at the picture above, it was taken when I met duckies =(
Well.. That's what we call 'life'
No way you will know what comes next. Disaster?? Miracle?? Only God knows.
Opportunity slips off your fingers all the time. Why are you doing what you are doing?? Who are you living for??
No way you can hide from fear in life. Fear to step out. Fear to stay real. Fear to speak out. Fear to stand in boldness.
No one is meant to be alone. That's why God created man and woman at the very first place. That's why we are called to live as a church. That's why we have family, another-half, friends, you and me.
So I thank you sweetie for kacau-ing me when you miss me.
Hugs for you dear always say yes when I suggest to yum cha, or when I crave for sushi and Seoul House.
Thank you for making appointment to talk online one week ahead as I demand.
Huggies for allowing me to rest in my 'tortoise shell' when I am tired and do not feel like talking.
Thank you for volunteering to feed my tummy too lol
As I promised, like one month ago, hehe, here it is ^_^
I think I gain weight. That's why I don't show my body lol
Hair grows longer. I feel like cutting it myself seriously.
Oh say hi to my eye bag as well. They witness my completion of test, assignment, essay and lab report and my intimacy with my lap top. What do you mean you can't see them?! Now you know why I post the picture horizontally lol
Miss you..
Sunday, March 09, 2008
H + i = ?
Well, right after my flight took off in KLIA, I travelled for nearly 20 hours non-stop, and there was typical Windy Wet Welly waiting for me.
My schedule was totally packed to the extent that I hardly barely have time to adjust my jet-lag, which was good in one way, kept me occupied from feelings I wanted to escape from.
Spent time in campus doing enrolment stuff and in recreation center releasing electrons. I went for lunch and dinner and movie with church and ICFers and friends. I had conversations with my awesome flatmates and those with wonderful hearts. Went shopping for gloceries enjoying the sunshine getting my mind refreshed by the breeze.
The tenth day I was back to Welly, university started. In order to make my life in third year easier, I decided to do four papers per trimester, which meant eight papers a year. I reckon it should be alright, as I am used to the workload, get well-trained during my first year.
Do allow me to murmur a little bit tho, as I have four hours Bio Lab and three hours Chem Lab every week, not to mention about the normal lectures and tutorials. To make it worse, next year I will be having six hours lab for Bio alone, God really has His plan for me, a undebatable unrebukable unarguable one.
Apart from that, my dear Heavenly Father has given me a even more challenging task, which is to co-lead a Bible Study Small Group. To be a leader standing up for Christ has always been my dream, thought it would come true maybe after five or more years when I am more ready. But then, like what Pastors all said,"The time has come, the time is NOW!!"
So yeap I definitely have to sacrifice my you-tube-ing and fun-having time, that's all right, because I know that my Lord will always be there backing me up =) because of Him, lots and lots of courage will be generated in myself to step further, to go deeper, to stop being a safe christian =) because I have you, in the deepest bottom part of my heart..
Like what I wish before I left Malaysia, I meet new people and my life is refreshed, however, at the same time, I face challenge dealing with changes, people I used to know well change, things are not the same as they were. It's like the whole world is spinning yet I have to remain still keeping myself away from the earthly whirl. Seek for His words and His righteousness and everything else will be done ^_^
I was gonna upload some pictures of mine but I failed. Next time maybe. I'll show you my lovely pictures (I do not realise how different I look till I came back, thanks for all the compliments, hahaha)as well as my dream house (I just discover a hidden world on the other side of Wellington city ). Till then, take care..
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Feb 07 & Feb 14 & Feb 15
This is most likely my last post in Malaysia this year, next updates would be after I go back and settle down in New Zealand. Ok do not be sad lol
My great pleasure to finally get to meet ALL family members, relatives, and of course my buddies. My mouth never exercise (talking laughing & eating)this much since I came back for holidays. Hahaha.
Listen to me, do not need to book me during that day, do not offer me any farewell function, just go ahead and celebrate it with your right ones, as I will not leave permanently ok. Hehe.
Feb 15 - BYE BYE.. =(
Yeap my flight back will be on that day.. It is gonna be a nearly twenty hours travelling.. KL-Singapore-Auckland-Wellington =( Nevertheless, my church, my university, my pursuit of dream & future, the wind and the sea, they are all waiting for me there ^_^
I will meet new people and I will have a new life.
This song is called 'Born to Love'. So let's make a deal while we are apart.
Love God. Love your parents. Love your siblings. Love your family. Love your friends. Love your enemies.
Love yourself. Love your another half. Love knowledge (Grow wisdom). Love your body (Eat well & Sleep well & Do sports). Love your life (Don't smoke & Drink less).
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails -1 Corinthians 14:4-7-
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Ohh.. It was my neighbour's son and his wife!! I hardly recognised him as he left home to work in KL when I was still in primary school. Compared to the immature and playful guy last time, what I saw today was an older but more mature man.
Hmm.. A scene popped in my mind, maybe many many years later, my car will stop in front of home, and I would be the main character in the scene I saw today lol
In the afternoon, I accidentally opened a drawer which has remained untouched for ages. Staring at the purplish envelope, something hit on my dying memory. There were many envelopes and letters in the drawer, mostly were addressed to me by my first and only pen pal. All of a sudden, I could feel that my memory was refreshed and those days appeared again like it was just yesterday.
I joined this camp when I was a student reporter. When it came to the last day of it, I received a letter from a participant called Xuan. I was just about to throw it away before my friend stopped me and told me that the person who gave me the letter was the one who sat right in front of me during lunch. See see I was and am such blur..
Feeling sorry towards Xuan, I decided to reply the letter so that I could somehow feel better. Then our pen-palship had begun. Xuan was the youngest in the family who always longed for a sister, whereas I was the eldest and longed desperately for a big bro; Xuan was from big city who had been to many places, whereas I was from a small town who rarely had chance to travel around; Xuan had finished PMR with 8 As whereas I was facing it. Our pen-palship grew so quickly thru a great deal of experience sharing.
Till one day, due to a reason which I tried so hard but failed to recall, I stopped replying letter anymore. I was so cold-blooded to the extent that I ignore all the letters coming after. Looking at the letters today, all memories were sweet but I knew for sure that there must be something that caused me to choose to lose my first pen pal, just I did not remember anything anymore. Because of that, I did not open those letters just now, deep in my heart, I think it would be better not to reveal the real reason, having warm memories and leaving the cruel truth behind would be the best it could be.
Later when I prayed I suddenly realised that that was me, the true me, the I who only remember hurt and pain and disappointment, the I who never care about the reasons causing or leading to that feelings. Feels like I am introduced to myself once again, the girl who is sentimental and emotional in life, the girl who is sensible and rational in studies, the girl who cepat naik marah tapi cepat lupa dendam lol
Thanks to dad and bro for enduring my imperfectness, for taking the blames even though I am the one who do wrong, for cheering me up no matter how, for letting me to bully them whevever I feel like doing so ^_^
Thanks to teachers for sayang-ing me. Thanks to friends for befriend-ing minyu yang tidak berhati perut ^_^
Thanks to Xuan, too.
Monday, February 04, 2008
上网时无意中看到了一则令丫头会心一笑的新闻,我超欣赏兼无敌喜欢的阿信终于。。他终于。。他。。嗯。。想知道的话就自己去搜寻吧 =P
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
mei mei
but I did not. It was easier for you to say goodbye that way. It was easier for you to handle parting if I did not leave you much memories. but was it possible?
mei mei.. A little you have given me such huge deep impact!!
The moment we got lost in the busy shopping complex because of my terrible sense of direction, you were the one who acted cool and led me out of puzzles. No cry, no blame, you did not even lose confidence to trust yourself into my hands.
The moment you eventually approached me, gently picked up my hand, you held it and you asked me not to hold those hands too tightly as they were gonna sweat later. Looking into your sincere eyes, it hit me straight to the bottom of my heart.
mei mei, you are little, you are still the real you, your original identity and personalities are still well-protected from the outside world. You do not hide your true feelings, you go ahead with whatever you think you need to do, your life is free from regrets and losses and I truly hope that you will not have to go thru that soon.
At night you generously gave me half of your bed, you made me dress up your barbie dolls and you kept talking about everything, and you would not let me sleep even after you had said me goodnight for more than ten times. At last you finally asked me not to leave the next day, even though you clearly knew that was not possible.
mei mei, you might not know that I could not sleep well that day, I was awake staring at the ceiling, with all kinda things processing in my mind. After covering you with blanket, I questioned myself when was my last time being brave against lows and problems? Since when I tend to act like tortoise and hide in my shell to escape reality?
You are a little angel God put in my life, to be my mirror so that I will not easily be moulded into a masked me by the earthly world. May you be blessed, together with your big bro, the knight on white horse, as well as your second bro, the kind giant, live happily and healthily always and forover!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
I have been back for more than two months but my body is still so not used to the weather. My body has been having revolution whenever it is exposed to the wave of heat.
Fever la.. Dry cough la.. Diarrhea la.. What not..
These two days sleeping bugs have attacked and taken over my body and turned it into hibernating mode. The more I sleep the tired I feel that's why I decide to counteract those bugs by keeping myself awake thru blogging.
Dad forced me to see doctor because of my dry cough and as a result my sputum was sent to the lab. Poor me had to take cough syrap which was my number one enemy among all medicines. I rather take tablets or get injection than drinking cough syrap =(
Mum felt bad at her cookings as they caused me to have diarrhea very often till she found out the truth lying behind. My stomach gets so sensitive to the extent that whatever I eat or drink stand the possibility to contribute towards my diarrhea lol
All blames go to the hot weather =P
In order to train my body so that it adapts to the room temperature, I insist not to on the air-con during daytime. It does not help much I reckon. During the night bro needs two blankets to protect himself from getting a cold, the point is I do not feel cool at all under the same temperature.
One thing that cheers me up is that I am going to KL tomorrow and I am not travelling alone!! Haha. I still love my hometown but sometimes you just cannot stay in the same environment for too long. I need to go to somewhere else for a while, I need a getaway from my mundane routine.
Trust me, home is the ultimate place I wanna be no matter how attractive the world out there, there are 50 billion people passing by each others everyday, only those who mean a lot to you will make you stop your steps and stay with them, do not worry ya =)
secret recipe
"Min Yu!! The last wish of all schoolmates and classmates before we graduate is to see you to be pissed off and to lose your temper.. You know!!"
As usual, I could do nothing more satisfying but kept on putting smile on my innocent face, what else could I do.
Sad to tell that I nearly lost my temper a few times recently.
When I was alone surrounded by heavy traffic and those noises made by impatient drivers..
When all the calm and confidence were replaced by insecurity and anxiety.
When I went around hometown only to find irresponsible folk doing harm to the environment without concern..
When there were a lot of wrongdoings to be justified but all you feel was helplessness.
When I had to give up things that I desperately longed for them so much due to factors which were beyond my control..
When the time was flying away no matter how hard you tried to grasp it and made effort to hold it back.
Happy to tell that prayers worked at all times when one expected them least.
Insecurity, self-doubt and regret can be winned over by care, assurance and appreciation. Yeap it is easy to say than to act it out. But you stand up from falling and you learn lesson from experience. It is like rainbow only comes out after storm.
Miracles only happen to those who believe in them. I whole-heartedly believe. You?
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It is not an ordinary picture. Not if you look with your whole heart. You should see a phoenix if you try hard enough.
You may call me a tortoise. As I seek shelter inside my shell again. This time I might take a little longer. Only me being brave is never enough.
Bathing through fire, then a phoenix reborns..
Till then, just keep smiling =)
Thursday, January 03, 2008
night owl
Again, I went out and hang out with friends. Just, today I reached home much more earlier (0017) than usual (0107).
There had been crazy nights after nights. Said goodbye to year 2007 eating and welcomed year 2008 still eating.
Fireworks. SMS. Police block. License.
Now we are no more kids, yet still behave childishly. Can't believe those days we used to turn classroom into KTV lounge, volunteered ourselves to perform dance during Teachers' Day, wrapping mandarin and mooncakes and delivered them as we were Santa Claus, gossipping on nothing important..
AND the unbelievable unforgettable fall of our friend when she rushed to see Zhang Dong Jian's photo. Hahaha. We all laughed as loud as we used to. With compassion.
Still remember those days we held in hands in dark taking shower in the lake? Pity the guys. And the days we rescued people from flooded tents in jungle before we jumped into freezing waterfall? Pity our teachers. Oh and the days we made experiment on how to cook perfect Maggie Mee. Surprisingly guys seemed to be expert.
NOW some of us have made our circle bigger and our bond stronger by bring their another half. Much more stories to be written. Of course much more topics to be discussed openly and more persons to be teased. Our niece and nephew are also brought by us into this great family. The way little kids see the world always induce us by leading us to think from different dimensions.
“有你 我才不孤单 有你的陪伴 我才有苦诉 你有不爽 我是你的垃圾车 每天听你的心声”
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
New Year
God put smiles back upon my face recently.
My life was totally out of its orbital, forcing me to spin and to keep spinning. My world was turned upside down, and I simply could not figure out where I was.
Then God shows the way out.
Never tried to control something which is beyond your control. Look onto the creator who holds the universe and everyone you love instead.
The Lord understands His creations the best.
One thing that distinguish between human being and other creatures is that men have the ability to hide their true feelings.
I am truly sorry for all the hurts I cause.
Now I realize how much pain it could bring just because I was not brave enough, we were not honest enough. Too late.
Glad to see the smiles again. Thank you Lord for the power of healing. 2007 is over and 2008 is gonna rock. I have faith =)